Our Mission


The Queer Methods Collective is dedicated to forging a vibrant, interdisciplinary sanctuary that empowers queer researchers across all academic and professional stages.

Our mission is to dismantle the traditionally white, heteronormative, sexist barriers that stifle queer thought and foster an inclusive community where resources, knowledge, and support are shared freely.

By uniting queer scholars from multidisciplinary backgrounds, we aim to amplify queer voices in academic research and beyond, ensuring that queer perspectives are not only included but celebrated. 


Inclusivity: We are committed to creating a space that welcomes and respects queer researchers from all disciplines, backgrounds, and stages in their academic journey. Our collective thrives on diversity, recognizing that each member brings unique insights and experiences that enrich our community. 


Empowerment: We believe in empowering our members by providing access to resources, mentorship, and opportunities that support their academic and professional growth. We aim to uplift queer voices, enabling them to step into the spotlight with confidence and pride. 


Collaboration: Our strength lies in our unity. We value an interdisciplinary approach and the pooling of resources to foster innovation and achieve common goals. By working together, we transcend traditional academic boundaries and pave the way for groundbreaking research that is truly representative of the queer experience. 


Advocacy: We are advocates for change, not only within our disciplines but also within the institutions we inhabit. Our collective seeks to challenge and reshape the academic landscape to be more inclusive and supportive of queer researchers, ensuring that their work is recognized, valued, and widely disseminated. 


Integrity: We are committed to conducting our work with the highest ethical standards and integrity. Our research and interactions reflect our dedication to truth, accuracy, and the respectful representation of queer identities and experiences. 


Community: At the heart of our collective is a sense of community. We are dedicated to building and maintaining a supportive network that offers encouragement, understanding, and solidarity. Through shared experiences and collective action, we strive to create a sense of belonging for all queer researchers. 

How can we help?

How can we help?